Thursday, October 15, 2009

Welcome Trust Sanger Institute's PhD Programmes for the 2010-11 intake is now open


The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute is one of the world's premier genomics research institutes and is at the forefront of this fast developing field. We use large-scale DNA sequencing, informatics and analysis of genetic variation to further our understanding of gene function in health and disease.

The Institute is passionate about graduate student training, and one of our core aims is to nurture the next generation of world class genome biologists and clinicians who will make significant contributions to biomedicine. Since there is no other institute in the world where genetic and biological data is produced and analysed in such volumes, the graduate training environment at the Sanger Institute is unique.

Furthermore, the research facilities and resources available are exceptional, even at a global level, and therefore provide graduate students with unprecedented opportunities to develop their skills. These include state-of-the-art facilities for high throughput sequencing and genotyping, informatics and IT, microarray analysis, FACS, microscopy, mass spectrometry and CL2/3 containment.

The Institute has two PhD programmes: a 4-year PhD Programme for basic scientists and a 3-year Clinical PhD Programme. One of the unique aspects of our PhD programmes is that they are both open to overseas applicants, and we aim to attract the brightest and best young scientists and clinicians from all around the world.

The Institute has over 35 Faculty members, each leading a specific area of research as well as collaborating across one or more of our four main research themes: Human Genetics; Mouse and Zebrafish Genetics; Pathogen Biology and Bioinformatics. One of the acknowledged strengths of the Institute is the integration of different disciplines, in particular, Bioinformatics, with all of the other programmes.

Graduate students at the Institute play an integral role in these research programmes and are often lead authors on many of the resulting publications. The vast majority of our students have already started to develop an excellent publication record by the time they leave the Institute, and this puts them in an advantageous position to go on and lead highly successful future careers.

We currently have over 50 graduate students. All students on our PhD programmes are registered at the University of Cambridge and are members of a Cambridge College, and this allows the students to take an active part in the University's academic and social life. This brings many benefits such as access to events and courses run by University departments and the Graduate School of Life Sciences, and access to University facilities such as the library and the careers service.

As part of our PhD programmes we have a well established and comprehensive training programme, which provides a strong grounding in transferable and general research skills. Our students are encouraged to present their work at national and international scientific meetings, as well as to the Institute, and for the past three years Sanger Institute students have organised the Sanger-Cambridge PhD Symposium (SCAMPS). We can also help to develop important links for students through our major roles in many national and international collaborations and consortia across all of our research areas.

Graduate students at the Institute are monitored and managed by a senior academic team (the Committee of Graduate Studies, which meets monthly), with support from dedicated administrative personnel. All students have a thesis committee that meets with the student every six months and primarily serves as a scientific advisory board for the student throughout their PhD work.

The Sanger Institute is nestled amongst the landscaped gardens of a restored 18th century mansion, and is located just south of Cambridge. The campus is shared with the European Bioinformatics Institute and provides excellent amenities including a well equipped library, restaurant and cafes, sports hall, sports field and gymnasium, and a free bus service.

Contact us

Graduate Programme Office

Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
CB10 1SA


Tel: +44 (0)1223 834244
Fax: +44 (0)1223 494919

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