Thursday, October 15, 2009


Learning Model

The Distance Learning Programme use a multimedia technology that supports electronic instructional delivery mode (e-learning), as well as independent learning or correspondence. The technology permits the transmission and reception of lectures and instructional packages in form of text, graphics, audio and video formats and viewed online by students in classroom settings at remote receive centers. With easy-to-use internet access software (such as Knowledge Environment for Web-based Learning-KEWL, Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment MOODLE), students can retrieve lectures and assignment and during the class student have the oppurtunity for real time interaction beteen students and distant instructors using a combination of email, computer conferencing and chat. There are occational visit of instructors to the receive centers for personalised attention, tutorials and conduct of examinations.

The Distance Learning is programme-paced and a compromise between learning autonomy and rigid direction by the intructors with set dates when a course begins and ends, including a number of fixed date events within each course e.g fixed dates for the events such as, assignment submission, face-to-face tutorial sessions, the start and end of on-line conferences, telephone tutorial and examinations. Student attendance requiremets are also built into distance learning courses e.g workshops, practical sessions, seminars, tutorials, project or thesis and examinations.

The total time to complete a distance education course is equivalent to that of an on-campus programme.

Our Competence

In establishing OAU Distance Learning, we have drawn on the historical strength in curriculum development and competent academic staff for the moderation of courses, and we also possess unparralleled experience i the area of information networking technology. Following the establishment of the University's Information Technology and Communication Unit(INTECU) in 1996, we have been running a satellite receive terminal facility that supports the cmpus-wide network, OAUNET, which extends internet connectivity to locations throughout the extensive campus.

Today, the University currently has the largest campus-wide network in Nigeria, which services over 23,000 students and 5,000 staff members. The Unit is presently equipped with mininum access of web at 1 Mgps/1.5 Mgps up satelite linkage and local area network within the campus and study centers. Center for Distane Learning possesses a core of hihly qualified technical personnel in the different aspects of Computer and Communication Engineering and available infrastructure, Collaborative environment, and rich content linked to educational goals.

The University has alos put in place quality control mechanisms that will ensure the standard of the programmes and sustain the quality of university education as prescribed National Universities Commission (NUC), the Nigerian education regulatory agency.

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