Thursday, October 15, 2009

Admission to Ph.D Programs

Admission to the Ph.D. programmes is made on the basis of written test / interview conducted by the Department / Centre concerned. Applications are invited from candidates by advertising the programmes in Employment News / leading Newspapers in the March for the first semester and in October for the second semester, every year.

Admission to Ph.D./M.S.(Research) programme is also possible any time in the year through DRC/CRC with the approval of the Dean, PGS&R for all categories of scholars. They can be allowed to join any time though the course registration in such cases will be possible only at the beginning of next semester.

Admission is subject to vacancy being available in the relevant specialisations.

See Eligibility Criteria

Categories of Admission

Full-time with Assistantship/without Assistantship.
Full-time with UGC/CSIR/QIP/FIP/Research Scheme Scholarship.
Part-time Candidates.
Self-financing Foreign National Students / Foreign National Students with ICCR Scholarship.

Additional Requirements for Sponsored (Full-time and Part-time) and Part-time (Non-sponsored) Candidates
Only employees of Public Sector Undertakings or Government Departments or Research Development Organisations or Private Industries (approved by Faculty Boards) with a minimum experience of two years as on 1st August, 1999 for admission in July 1999 and 1st January, 2000 for admission in December 1999 and Defence Sponsored Officers are eligible to be considered as sponsored (Full-time and part-time) and Part-time (Non-Sponsored) candidates.

Sponsored Candidates (both full-time and part-time) are required to submit a "Sponsoring Certificate" from their employers on proper letter-head stating that for the period of his /her studies in the programme, the candidate would be treated as on duty with usual salary and allowances and that he/she will be fully relieved for the period of study for pursuing his/her studies and that the fee of the candidate will be paid by the sponsoring organisation.

Part-time (Non-sponsored) candidates are required to submit a "No Objection Certificate" at the time of interview from their employers stating that the candidate is permitted to pursue studies on part-time basis and that :

his/her official duties permit him/her to devote sufficient time for research;

facilities for research in the candidate's field of research are available at the candidate's place of work; and

he/she will be permitted to reside at the Institute for a period of not less than 12 months during his/her registration for the degree. (This condition of minimum residence will be automatically waived for candidates who are working in Delhi or in organisations/institutions located within a distance of 50 km from the Institute). For candidates with B.Tech. / M.S. / M.Sc. / M.Tech. degree from IIT Delhi, the period of residence would be six months.

Candidates seeking admission to a Ph.D. programme, on the basis of study leave, must show a proof at the time of interview to the effect that they will be/have been granted study leave for a minimum period of 3 years.

Admission Schedule
The academic session of the Institute consists of two semesters. The first semester starts late in July and the second semester starts early in January. For the M.Sc., M.Tech., M.S. (Research), M.Des. and M.B.A. and Postgraduate Diploma programmes, admissions are normally made only at the beginning of the first semester and candidates must join the programmes at the commencement of the first semester. Admission to Part-time M.Tech. / M.S.(R) programme can be made in both I & II Semesters.

Admission to Ph.D. programmes is made at the beginning of the first as well as the second semester.

The students joining the Ph.D. programme in between a semester will be allowed to register for the courses only from the beginning of the semester following the date of his/her joining.

The commencement of the doctoral programme is normally from the date on which the candidate registers at the Institute as a research scholar.

Registration for Courses
All postgraduate students are required to report for central registration before the commencement of each semester according to the schedule/procedure notified in advance. The students register themselves for the courses in consultation with the Course Coordinators at the time of central registration. The courses to be run by the Departments are made known to the students before registration. Students are advised to ensure that they report for registration each semester on scheduled dates of registration in the beginning of each semester.

Late Registration
Late registration of postgraduate students due to reasons beyond their control, would be permitted by Dean, PGS&R if so recommended by the concerned Head of Department/Centre and on payment of late registration fee as per Institute rules. The last date for late registration will be one week from the date of commencement of the classes.

The registration rules may be strictly applied to those who have to take course work. Others, i.e.,those who have only to work on major project or Ph.D. thesis may be allowed relaxation in terms of late registration beyond the specific last date of the registration, up to four weeks from that date provided the student had informed the Head of the Department concerned and the Academic Section (PGS) before the last date of registration of his inability to come to the Institute, and provided the reasons given by him / her are found to be satisfactory by the Head of the Department concerned.

Addition/deletion of courses may be permitted in the first week of the commencement of the semester with the permission of the Course coordinator and approval of the Dean, PGS&R.

Renewal of Registration
Every student/candidate on the rolls of the Institute, whether full-time, sponsored or part-time will be required to renew his/her registration in the beginning of every semester till the completion of his/her study programme to which admitted at the Institute.

For more details contact
Deputy Registrar (PGS & R)
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016
E-mail: drpgsr[at]

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