Thursday, October 15, 2009

About Work-Integrated Learning Programmes


Over the past three decades, the educational activities of the Institute have extended beyond the campus. This has been principally due to institutionalized linkages established by the Institute with various industries, R&D organizations, developmental agencies, etc. This activity for all the on-campus programmes is through the Practice School which as an integral component of the academic curriculum takes the classroom for a specified period to a professional location where the students and the faculty along with the industry experts get involved in real-life problems.

Since 1979, the Institute has been participating in the human resources development activities of the industries by evolving several degree programmes by integrating the working environment of the employees with the learning environment required by the Institute. These programmes were first started as M.E. (Collaborative) programmes in 1979. Later, from 1988, the work integrated learning philosophy has been extended to programmes like First Level Diploma in Computer Applications, Instrument Servicing & Maintenance, Workshop Technology, Nautical Sciences; M.V.S in Computer Operations & Applications, Information Management, Physician Assistant, Footwear Technology; B.S. in Technological Operations, Pharmacy Operations, Industrial Management, Process Engineering, Engineering & Industrial Technology, Optometry, Physician Assistant, Power Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Marine Engineering, Nautical Technology, Engineering Technology, Information Systems, Ophthalmic Assistant, Industrial Engineering & Technology, Nautical Sciences; M.Sc. (Tech.) Pharmaceutical Chemistry; M.S. in Systems & Information, Computer Science, Electronics & Control, Pharmacy Operations, Technological Operations, Life Sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Design Engineering, Habitat Technology, Chemical Technology, Consciousness Studies, Consultancy Management, Engineering Management, Industrial Production & Management, Management Systems, Medical Laboratory Technology, Microelectronics, Quality Management, Software Engineering, Software Systems, Manufacturing Management, e-Business, Pharmaceutical Operations and Management, Telecommunication & Software Engineering; Mechanical Systems Design, Embedded Systems, M.Phil. in Mathematics, Physics, Science Communication & Journalism, Astronomy & Planetarium Sciences, Cardiac Sciences, Hospital & Health Systems Management, Optometry, Physician Assistant and Off-campus Ph.D.



Description of Programmes

The Institute conducts off-campus degree programmes as a means of continuing education for employed professionals as part of the human resource development programmes of specific organizations at various off-campus centres. The Institute's Senate has authorized the Institute to run the off-campus degree programmes in every degree in which an on-campus degree programme is already run in the Institute. For the conduct of all these programmes, the basic requirement is the participation of the collaborative organization by extending physical and other facilities and by agreeing to integrate their work requirements with the academic requirements of the Institute for the pursuit of the degree programme. The Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division operates all these programmes. In all these programmes, emphasis is on self-learning and the pedagogy attempts to incorporate as many modern technologies as desirable. While every one of these programmes requires collaboration of an organization, some programmes have a highly structured collaboration with planned classroom activities and some programmes may have less structured planning. While a number of degrees are offered through structured collaboration with many collaborating organizations, there are also degrees, which are available in an open manner as Work-Integrated Learning Programmes for a large number of organizations, each of which may sponsor only few students. For the sake of identification, the structured collaborative programmes are classified as collaborative programmes and other programmes as Work-Integrated learning programmes. It is possible that if any organization sponsors a large number of students regularly and provides facilities for a structured arrangement, then any of the programmes that are currently classified as Work-Integrated learning programmes can also be classified as collaborative programmes or it is also possible that some programmes appear in both classifications as of the current option. For all these programmes, faculty/resource persons are drawn from the Institute, the participating organizations as well as experts from other Institutions.

Invitation for New Collaborations

The Institute looks for a viable number (around 50) of candidates sponsored by an organization or a group of organizations for a degree programme. Any organization interested in having a dialogue with the Institute for offering any collaborative and innovative programme directed towards the human resource development needs of their industry may write to the Institute. The Institute has an open mind to offer any of the existing programmes or devise any other new programme for their benefit. For further details contact

The Dean
Work-Integrated Learning Programmes Division
BITS, Pilani (Rajasthan)- 333031
Phone: 91-1596-42210 Fax: 91-1596-44183

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